by Lisa Abeyta | May 5, 2023
Desert Hives is committed to honey bee health. This is done through mentorship, education, mite testing, hive reports, hive tours, and advocacy. Honey bee health and the health of their environment is the priority of Desert Hives. Desert Hives often moves hives and... by Lisa Abeyta | Jun 13, 2022
Snake Dog LLC provides full-service rattlesnake safety consulting for the film industry, outdoor venues and individuals. Our mission is to establish and maintain a rattlesnake-safe area for your event needs. Snake Dog LLC specializes in human / canine teams which... by Lisa Abeyta | Nov 4, 2021
We care for your pets, in your home or ours, while you work or travel. We can drop by to feed your pet and provide a bathroom break. walk you dog or other pet, or spend the might when you need to be away. We love all sorts of pets and have experience with dogs, cats,...
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