Snake Dog LLC provides full-service rattlesnake safety consulting for the film industry, outdoor venues and individuals. Our mission is to establish and maintain a rattlesnake-safe area for your event needs.
Snake Dog LLC specializes in human / canine teams which represent a superior response to any rattlesnake safety concern. The canine nose is a far superior tool for locating rattlesnakes than the combination of human eyes and ears. We've known dogs to detect the presence of rattlesnakes and subsequently locate them from a half mile away.
Snake Dog LLC is committed to the humane treatment of rattlesnakes and their natural ecosystem. We recognize rattlesnakes as an invaluable member of our natural ecosystem. Snakes are never harmed or killed. Rattlesnakes are always re-released in their original, or suitable habitat.
Located in Santa Fe, NM, our teams are available anywhere you may find rattlesnakes.